Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Othello Coursework Essay Example for Free

Othello Coursework Essay Othello is one of Shakespeare’s tragedies but also a love story of two lovers. Shakespeare’s tragic heroes always had at least one main flaw, which contributed to their downfall. In Othello’s case it was jealousy; when he was told Desdemona was having an affair. Other themes the play deals with includes hatred, racism, betrayal and discrimination. Although Othello is the main protagonist in the play, however, in many ways Iago seems to be the dominant character. Iago is presented in complete contrast to Othello, and is the villain of the play. Othello is a respected high-ranking general whereas Iago is a lower status and referred to as in his ‘ancient’ or his ‘ensign’. Many critics often describe Iago as the narrator of ‘Othello’; a fascinating character who is the main focus of the play. Many critics also see Iago as an intriguing character as he can be unpredictable. At the beginning of the play, it is Iago and Roderigo who are the first on stage, not Othello. If one were to form an opinion of Othello from this discussion, it would not be a favourable one. The audience is made aware of Iago’s hatred of Othello because Othello promoted Cassio instead of him and his belief that Othello slept with his wife. Furthermore Roderigo is jealous of the fact that Othello has taken Desdemona as his wife. In Act 2 Scene 3 of Othello, Iago is presented as the puppeteer, constantly manipulating everyone around him. Critics have argued about Iago’s motives for wanting to hurt others but in this scene he comes across as cruel and malicious. The scene is set in a castle and opens with Iago trying to get Cassio drunk. Iago motivated by his lust for power is attempting to dispose Cassio of his position as a lieutenant. Knowing that Cassio cannot handle his liquor it would be more likely he would fight if he’s drunk and that would make him look bad in Othello’s eyes. The opening scene presents us with a brief exchange of Cassio and Iago controversial analysis on Desdemona. In the dialogue, Cassio remarks are polite and complimentary to Desdemona stating she is ‘exquisite lady’, ‘fresh’, ‘delicate creature’, ‘modest’ and ‘perfection’. Iago on the other hand has a contrasting view compared to Cassio. Iago suggests that Desdemona is ‘full of game’ and ‘sport’ and that there is ‘provocation’ in her eye suggests both characters have different views on women. Iago’s low opinion of Desdemona only deepens his misogynist view and his hate for women because of the control Desdemona has over Othello. This can portrays his jealousy because Desdemona is an extremely attractive character with a higher noble status than his wife, giving him a reason to hate Othello. Iago has the opportunity to consider his plans in his soliloquy when Cassio leaves to invite some friends for a drink. One way we can tell the presentation of Iago as a character in Act 2 Scene 3 is through his soliloquies. It reveals Iago’s true character and intention to get Cassio drunk so that he loses control and becomes quarrelsome to get into a fight with Roderigo, ‘Am I to put our Cassio in some action’. His skills of persuasions show his power to manipulate people into trusting him to cover his act of being an ‘honest’ friend that adds to the presentation of his character. Iago’s clever perspective to observer this from a person allows the audience insight into various schemes or secrets to his motives that other characters are blind to. Furthermore, Iago’s understanding and manipulating the weakness of those around him make him a powerful and compelling figure that Shakespeare have portray in this scene. Cassio who has been left in a position of responsibility by Othello will shame himself as a lieutenant and loose his position as part of Iago’s plan that will gain him power for his talent of understanding and manipulating people’s weaknesses, ‘If consequences do but approve my dream’. Iago states he is willing to take on revenge on anyone that gets in his way of achieving Othello’s downfall. The end result would make up for what he lost on his way and enjoys the pain and damage he causes which he ‘approves’. The first soliloquy in this act shows us how narrow-minded Iago is and lacks emotions or feelings towards the people around him or himself. W. H Auden describes Iago as a â€Å"Practical joker of a peculiar appalling kind. † W. H attempts to portray Iago as a more humane character than he really is. Loyalty, love, friendship and guilt are all emotions that make us human. Iago misunderstands this concept of feelings, which leads him to his downfall. Shakespeare presents Iago with loss of emotional connections in his character show the tragedy of how isolated Iago is. Shortly after Roderigo raises the alarm under Iago’s instructions, Shakespeare uses dramatic irony to present Iago’s actions as he pretends to be the peacemaker. Othello aroused from his sleep ask ‘honest Iago’ for an explanation of the disturbance. Without being disloyal to Othello or to Cassio, he ironically follows Montano’s advice upon his honour as a solider to tell the truth of his version of the night’s events. While trying to save Cassio by making excuses for him, Iago endures that Othello will have no other option than to remove him as his position for causing a shameful public display. The irony of Iago’s account, we known that Iago constantly tries to underplay Cassio’s part in the fight, ‘I had rather ha’ this tongue cut from my mouth, Than it should do offence to Michael Cassio. ’ With subtle additions such as, ‘And Cassio high in oaths, which till tonight / I ne’er might see before’ and ‘ but men are men, the best sometimes forget’ reveals that Cassio has disgraced himself to befit a high ranking officer. Cassio sacked from his lieutenant position, Iago pretends to be a true friend by advising Cassio to seek help from Desdemona to gain his position back. ‘This broken joint between you and her husband entreat her to splinter’. Shakespeare cleverly portrays Iago as an evil mastermind who appears to aid Cassio, instead manipulating the situation in order to make it appear to Othello that Desdemona has emotions for Cassio when she pleads for his job. This sequence allows us to see Iago’s manipulative nature in a continuous flow; from the way he has made others see him to the revelation of his true self. The way he’s portrayed, we are amazed by his mastery of switching facades or identities without a trace of guilt. Iago when speaking with Montano, questions Cassio integrity and his position as a Lieutenant. Iago manages to suggest his support and concern for his comrade while at the same time, destroying his credibility and honour. He mentions to Montano that Cassio is a ‘solider fit to stand by Caesar’ as 2nd in command but his drinking habits matches his ‘virtue’ and implies he drinks every night. Iago’s apparent concerns furthers as he criticises Othello’s judgement for trusting Cassio to be his lieutenant shows his jealousy to be overshadowed and therefore lost his ‘social class’’ that he lacks of. His hatred dominates him just like he dominates all the other characters. Iago seems to master all the emotions that might affect his facade and never shows a trace of nervousness that intensify the power he has over the characters in the play and his ability to control the situation to his will. Furthermore when Iago protests to Montano that he is reluctant to highlight Cassio’s problems to Othello, as he ‘loves’ Cassio and would not wish him any harm. The irony of this situation is the fact that once Montano suggest it would be an ‘honest action’ to inform Othello, Iago declines. This is the only time we see Iago is speechless and to make him look more trustworthy, he implies that his allegiance is to a higher kind of ‘honesty’.

Monday, January 20, 2020

How To Set Up A Repel :: essays research papers

How to set up a repel and repelling down safely   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before you start to learn on how to set up a repel you must gather the following tools: 2 people, rope that can reach the ground from where you wish to repel from (this should be 10 mm static rope), one figure eight, four carabineers, a harness, the knowledge of how to tie figure eight knots and water knots, two pieces of webbing long enough to tie from a stable off structure to your rope, and leather gloves. It should take you anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour to set up this repel. You must first go and find an area where you can repel down that has 3 places to tie off from. You must find 3 sturdy places that will not give way once you start to repel down. Some examples would be thick trees, steel beams, and concrete pillars. Then you must tie a figure eight knot at the end of your rope that you are repelling off from. Then you will wrap the rope around the secure structure five times and slip a carabineer in the figure eight and attach and lock it to the other end of the rope. Pull the rope so it is tight and there is no chance of slipping. Next find the other two places to tie off from and go ahead and tie the webbing into water knots around the tie off points and attach a carabineer and lock it to the webbing from the rope. Where you attach the carabineer to the rope you should also tie a figure eight knot in the rope. Once you have tied everything up you must then go ahead and test the ropes to make sure they will not slip.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now that everything is safe and secure you must deploy the rope down to the ground. Before you throw the rope you must yell â€Å"rope† to let anyone below know what is coming down. Next put on your harness, and the person who is not going to repel down the rope should go ahead and go down to where you plan on repelling down to. They are going to go down there to be your safety if you start to fall.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Next you must put a carabineer through the bottom of your harness and also threw the belt as well.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Better and Gloria Steinem

* An excerpt from Ralph Waldo Emerson's â€Å"from Journal,† from the paragraph beginning â€Å"How sad a spectacle† to the end of the essay. This passage begins on p. 88 in the 10th edition and p. 100 in the 11th edition. * All of E. B. White's â€Å"Progress and Change† (p. 592 in the 10th edition; p. 562 – 563 in the 11th edition). * An excerpt from Fred Strebeigh's â€Å"The Wheels of Freedom: Bicycles in China. † Read from paragraph 56, which begins â€Å"There, I tried to continue the work† to the end of the essay (p. 05 – 6 in the 10th edition; p. 339 – 40 in the 11th). * An excerpt from Gloria Steinem's â€Å"The Good News Is: These Are Not the Best Years of Your Life. † Read from paragraph 20, which begins â€Å"None of this should denigrate† to the end of the essay (p. 367 – 368 in the 10th edition; p. 358 – 59 in the 11th). * All of William Cronon's â€Å"The Trouble With Wilderness† (p. 651 – 654 in the 10th edition; p. 617 – 21 in the 11th). * Examine and analyze the unattributed Figure 7, â€Å"Technowar† (p. 800 in the 10th edition; p. 06 in the 11th). Change means to alter. Change is good since it is an opportunity to move forward and prestige in life. It also allows people to change their status quo. But in order to change you must risk. In three sources that show change were E. B. White’s â€Å"Progress and Change†, Fred Strebeigh’s â€Å"The Wheels of Freedom†, and Gloria Steinem’s â€Å"The Good News Is: These are Not the Best Years of Your Life. † In E. B. White â€Å"Progress and Change† White explains why change is needed to solve issues.He also said that if there is too much change it lose meaning to what you are trying to improve on. Additionally it is said that if you want change, risk is an ingredient to enhancements. On page 563 White stated this â€Å"People who favor progr ess and improvements are apt to be people who have had a tough enough time without any extra inconvenience. † This supports my opinion of change being good because this quote shows that if people want a better life one must change to grow.In Strebeigh’s â€Å"The Wheels of Freedom: Bicycles in China† Strebeigh describes how men and women tried to stop tanks by throwing their bikes against the tanks to prevent the tanks from crushing their dignity, humanity, and freedom. On page 339 Strebeigh said â€Å"citizens trying to stop tanks by shoving bicycles at them, flatbeds tricycles turned into ambulances for slaughtered children. † In this reading change is taking place, as I said above risk is always a factor to make change happen.All those citizens risked their left cycling to freedom as they fight against the tanks in China. In Gloria Steinem’s â€Å"The Good News Is: These are Not the Best Years of Your Life. † Steinem states how women are l ooked down upon and unequally treated because of their gender. Therefore women have worked together to gain some influence. On Page 358 Steinem said â€Å"just as a young women’s most radical act toward her mother. † This quote is stating that daughters and mothers are connecting as one to achieve power.This is adequate example of my reason why change is good because everyone should be treated equally so when women work together it helps them gain more influence in society and a voice. Change is like water. Water has many stages to purify it to drink, so because of that water changes in many phases. Chemicals are added to water so that bacteria’s are pulled to it, then put through filters, and disinfected with chlorine. So if there are no changes you get sick or die from drinking unpurified water. This shows that change is good because it is only for the better and improvements to what we had before.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Finc415 Exam 1 Essays - 1186 Words

Finance 415 Exam I Review Questions Suggestions 1) Read chapters 1 – 5 and review the PPTs we covered in class. 2) Expect 5 or 7 short-answer questions General Questions – 1. In class we reviewed three firms in three different countries. The M/S Milad Nor Company in Afghanistan, Caritex in Bulgaria, and Obod in Montenegro. Each company was faced with different problems and issues. Please briefly summarize the similarities between the firms and their individual issues. How do the problems faced by these firms compare to problems faced by similar firms in more developed countries? 2. Your stock market simulation calls for you to invest in securities with a significant presence outside the US – debt, equity,†¦show more content†¦What are some of the typical causes of these failures in corporate governance?p34 10. Do markets appear to be willing to pay for good governance?p36 Chapter 3 1. Under the gold standard all national governments promised to follow the â€Å"rules of the game.† This meant defending a fixed exchange rate. What did this promise imply about a country’s money supply? 2. If a country follows a fixed exchange rate regime, what macroeconomic variables could cause the fixed exchange rate to be devalued? 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of fixed exchange rates? 4. Explain what is meant by the term impossible trinity and why it is true. 5. Fixed exchange rate regimes are sometimes implemented through a currency board (Hong Kong) or dollarization (Ecuador). What is the difference between the two approaches? 6. High capital mobility is forcing emerging market nations to choose between free-floating regimes and currency board or dollarization regimes. What are the main outcomes of each of these regimes from the perspective of emerging market nations? 7. On January 4, 1999, eleven member states of the European Union initiated the European Monetary Union (EMU) and established a single currency, the euro, which replaced the individual currencies of participating member states. Describe three of the main ways that the euro affects the members of the EMU. 8. Why did the fixed exchange rate regime of 1945–1973 eventually fail? 9. How